Pennsylvania’s Platinum Partner
Springboard Media is pleased to serve as Haven’s Platinum Partner in the state of Pennsylvania.
HAVEN Lockdown™ is a revolutionary, affordable smart door lock that activates in seconds to help prevent an intrusion into rooms and through access points, giving total security control to administrators and authorities.
It is our goal to help make our schools, offices, and places of worship all safer places. For more information, schedule a consultation to learn more about the Haven Lockdown system or watch the video below to learn more about the product and its creators.
Why Choose HAVEN
The increasing risk of active intrusion needs an active solution. That’s why HAVEN was created, to give peace of mind and the toughest line of protection to our children, staff, people, and patients.
HAVEN was founded by former members of the military and law enforcement. They know what real danger is and have created rock solid defense systems like HAVEN Lockdown™ to put an end to active violence in our schools, churches, offices, and hospitals.