Registration is NOW OPEN for the 2021 Tech & Admin Summit!
Promethean Education Consultants are proud to present our annual Tech & Admin Summit on September 21st, 2021. Join us to learn more about how Promethean technology can better serve administrators, IT personnel, and your schools – regardless of the learning environments you are supporting.
When: Tuesday, September 21st from 12:00 - 3:30PM EST
Where: Virtual Sessions. See full schedule here.
What: As you and your teachers come back to a school year like no other, our professional development team will provide you with the latest sustainable approaches and ideas to support going back to school with Promethean solutions. We will welcome 2 Featured Speakers from school districts to examine how their Promethean implementations have helped transform their classrooms.
Can’t make in on September 21st, but still interested in the content? No problem!
Submit your contact information below and our EdTech team will make sure to send you over a recording of the sessions once available.
Did you know…
Springboard Media can provide custom Professional Development solutions in addition to being your Promethean sales and installation partner. With over 10 years experience helping introduce and support technology in schools in Pennsylvania and beyond, we are here to set you and your classroom up for long term success.
Sessions will cover a variety of topics suitable for both IT and administrative professionals in the education sector. Featured speakers & session details include:
Craig Liggett, CIO, Bulloch County: Choosing and Implementing LED Panels for your Classrooms. When implementing LED Panels in your classrooms, there’s a method that should be taken to choose a panel that works in your environment, and then there should be a good amount of prep work that needs to be completed before and after the panels are installed. Join Craig as he discusses the journey of implementation including mapping out your classrooms, establishing standards for wall placement, standard heights, locations in the classrooms, cleanup and then the proper surplus of old equipment.
Jennifer Buck, CTO/CIO, Thomasville City Schools: Vision for Innovation. Learn how Thomasville City Schools transitioned from our 18 year old ActivBoard classrooms to new Activpanel environments. Our philosophy to build technology-rich classrooms is centered around providing the best tools for staff and students to accelerate learning outcomes and to create innovative student learning experiences. Promethean is more than a vendor; they are our valued educational partners in this work.