
SpringGuard+ Your Device

When purchasing a new device from Springboard Media, you will have an option of getting it protected under our exclusive SpringGuard+ coverage plan. SpringGuard+ is bought in addition to AppleCare for the absolute best coverage your machine can get.

How Does it Work?

For an additional $149 added to the cost of your AppleCare, you will extend your warranty to four years, pay no deductible for accidental coverage, have access to free loaners whenever your Mac is in for repair, and have no diagnostic fee for check-ins.


It’s Real Simple…

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Protect the Most While Saving the Most!

When looking at all the benefits you get from SpringGuard+, at $149 it’s a steal! Your machine will receive an extra year of warranty, no deductible on accidental damage ($299 value), a free loaner when your Mac is under repair ($99 value), and free yearly tune-ups ($109 value), all for $149. The best protection at the best price!